Now - I take pictures of everything, it seems *o* Everything that stays still long enough - he *O* But
it still surprises me a bit the other day when my lovely assistant told me that he had
been approached by some highly irate bumble bees who wanted to know from him where an honest working bee could file a complaint against that there PESKY Meeps! They actually called me something stronger too but I'll spare
your ears -o* My assistant of course asked why they wanted to complain - and they buzzed ...


.. they alleged that lately a busy bumblebee couldn't do his business - WORK - without that #&?§!
chicken immediately was there with her camera clicking away. They even stated that the BBU's (that is; Bumble Bee Union)
Aarhus chapter (Aarhus being my hometown) had to dole out tranquelizer to poor shaking bees on the verge of a nervous
breakdown ... So Johnny (that's my lovely invented assistant) went to me and told me about this as I told you and I told
him - one more 'told' and my poor old English teacher will rotate in her grave ...(or where ever she is at the moment -o*
) that as far as I knew the bees were on their lunch break eating honey when I took the pics - so there!
But Johnny reminded me, that eating honey is what a bumble bee do for a living so could I please tell
him if there's such a thing as a Bumble Bee Rights Commision anyway any where? That I couldn't ... Do you know where
the little fat critters can complain about me? Except to my grinning Johnny ...
Whom I suspect have invented the whole story just to tease me *O*
On the other hand - when I was about to take the next picture ...


.. this little ... SPOILT snail girl started screeching and wailing and complaining and pouting
- and making a general nuisance of herself - claiming that I really could NOT take her picture NOW! Her looking like
that - with her old (practically ancient *o* ) shell on her back ... I really had to wait until she had got on the other
side of this piece of grass and changed into the new Guzzi shell my sweet Johnny had bought her the other day ... Really
... Unfortunately I am not the most patient chicken in the world so I took the picture anyway and she of course ran straight
to Johnny and complained her silly little head off too! Erm - ran is perhaps too strong a word seing she is a snail ...
But you know what I mean, don't you - *0*
And yes, the shell creating company are called Guzzi - not Gucci. I swear! I asked Johnny and
he should know after all *o* He didn't travel to Paris and buy a dress for her - just went over to the snail
costume tailor in the park *O*
*reads the text on picture * ........ Johnneeeeeeeee !!! Tshee-hee *o* No comment *O*


This snail was on the other wing - erm, hand - an old grandfather of a snail and grumbled friendly like
"Sure, lass - you take a picture while I sit here smoking my pipe and having a think" ... Eh - yes, well - you can't see
the pipe because he went inside his shell and smoked in private ... You can't see a bit of smoke, can you? Well -
it was very windy that day so it probably blew away *blushes with a little giggle *