
Meepsieness - page 5


SMILING JOHNNY: O.K. I won't cluck a - SAY a word then *o*

Nope *o* Neither will I *O*
But - hang two alternativ versions of pics people have already seen ...

This - sad cold looking baby boy here ...
Here's a blanket and a kiss and - and a big hug and - what?

THE NOW WARMER GUY: Hen-mumsy *o*

Cluck *o* And then ...



AND then mister Gibbs and friend here !!!
His quite totally - absolutely UNKNOWN !!! - friend -O*

JOHNNY AGAIN: Silly baby birdie *O*

It's not just Jack though who gets CLU-CLU-CLUCK !!!
You shot me !!! ??? !!!

SMILENDE JOHNNY: Pirate *o* Ehm - gangster, I mean *O* ... it was only water, pet?

Yes, baby *o*
But could you hang the next while pic I go and get some dry feathers on?



HELPFUL, SWEET JOHNNY NODDING: Certainly *o* ... that is some colorful thoughts Meepsie has if that spinning thingy is her brain as she giggled earlier it was - perhaps she's thinking of the green wood and the blue sea *o* Are you, little birdie *o* ?

Maybe *o*
Sleepy Hollow's western woods and the Spanish Ma-he-he-hein, perhaps *O*

JOHNNY LAUGHING HIMSELF: You are a naughty birdie *O* I was thinking more of the beautiful nature here around your home town though *o*

Yes, baby *o*
This frame could be better ...
KISSING COMFORTER: I like it, sweetie *o* But let's move on to the next page and see what else you've made ...
