
The concert *O*


TIME: The day after.
PLACE: Kitchen table in Johnny and Meepsie's totally invented little house at the edge of the woods -O*
MEEPSIE'S FANTASY EDITOR - WHO LIKE JACK NEVER LET THE TRUTH GET IN THE WAY OF A GOOD STORY: Yeah - the little ... birdie enjoyed her concert alright! When we finally persuaded Hector to sail us to Kingston on board the Pearl - it's his week to have her - we have joint custody ... Another of my hen's invention *o* She clucked she didn't want two of her favorite pirates fighting when we could be sharing! Bossy little bunch of cute feathers, isn't she -o* ? *remembers he's suppose to play mad and continues with a grumpy frown* ANYWAY !!! When we finally arrived Bob Marley was in the nick! That there bit about him shooting the sheriff, but not the deputy had finally caught up with him, it seems ...

This of course all takes place in MY IMAGINATION so dead people are alive and well and elderly heartthrobs are young again -O*

COMPLAINING IMAGINARY BOYFRIEND: Yes !!! And because the reggae concert was canceled Harry Belafonte took over - and believe you me; in Miss Sillyfeathers' imagination he's STILL young and very beautiful !!! So she tipped me in the drink and left with the singer ... The last I heard of them was the girlie bird trying to teach him to sing "A pirate's life for me" in between yelling "Daaaay'o" at the top of her vo-voice .....

Johnny ...
Really, baby - you are right here beside me at the table !!!
Yes, I do love Mr Belafonte - to listen to and look at - but we went home together, you silly little sweetie ! *o* ! *hugs and kisses her sweetie to remind him that the story above is just a story *
... remember - you woke the neighbors at four a.m. bawling "There's a HOOOOOOOOLE in the bucket, dear Meepsie - dear Meepsie. There's a HOOOOOOOOOOOOLE in my pocket, dear Meepsie. A - HOOOOO-yikes?"
That last 'yikes?' was because our dear neighbor Billy Bob's big boot almost hit you *O* *almost falls off chair laughing * 

JOHNNY SWEETS AGAIN: Hmmm - yes, we are at home - and you're right there ... YAAAAHOOOOOOH !!! *O* !!! 

Silly sweetie *o* 
We did in the end get reggae too, folks *o*
It seems our Barbossa is a Marley-fan. So he told the local police that either did they let Marley go or they would get the jail rearranged - by the Black Pearl's guns ...  What can I say - pirate?
Oh - and Johnny almost tipped ME in the harbour when Shaggy sang "He's too sexy for his hat" and I pointed at my little fictional fella with both wings - erm, hands *O*