May I please present Steve Winter - brave young snail ! Steve was on his way to the top, he claimed.
And - to Johnny and my big surprise - firmly stated too that when he finally arrived at said top he would try his life's first
bungy jump ??? Can you imagine that ... Not only do I NOT dare do such a dangerous jump - cluck! - but imagine having
taken all day to arrive at the top of that - what ever the plant is called and then just jump out into the unknown! I am
VERY impressed *o* But that does not mean you'll get allowed to jump, young Johnny !!! It is me who can fly - but not land
that well ... - NOT you -o* So you'll stay down here on the relative safe ground! Please - cluck ...
You will? THANK
you *O*
These geese also complained that one could not sit quitely and discuss the ducks' love lives and
get a bit of sun on one's feathers without that silly chicken of Johnny's tripping by and snapping away! ... I did think about
asking here before taking their picture, I must confess. As a chicken I have a serious respect for geese and their beaks -o*
But I have forgotten my geese-dictionary at home and couldn't remember the right geese 'word' for "please?" which of course
would be a very important word in this context *o* So I just took the picture and then flapped as fast as I could out of
the garden into the yard next door - so to speak - there being no doors between - to hide panting behind my lovely assistant's
not-so-broad-but-broad-enough-in-this-case back *O* *blushes and grins * But ... I don't know - but something weird
is going on !!! You see ... I think - confidentially and between you and me -o*


THE WOOD IS BUGGED !!! ... and not by a rather silly, but lovely cartoon rabbit even though he was
called BUGs Bunny *O* If you want proof - and won't just believe a silly bird on her cluck *pouts big time *
- please look at the picture beside this text! Isn't that a BUG !!! ? !!! ... I don't know who has placed them there -
CIA, KGB (erm - no, they are defunkt ...) MI-5, 6 or 007 - but they are there, I tell you ... So I am keeping my beak
shut where ever I walk in the wood - and kisses Johnny when ever he starts to say something just in case he should reveal
any secrets. ... that last part of the whole silly thing is actually lovely *O*
They are EVERYWHERE when you start to look around ... Just look at this big one !?!
And they are a very clever new kind, I have found out. Can fly or crawl around by themselves
so they can move all over the forest after you - stalking a poor wee bird so she never knows where she is safe to cluck a
bit with her darling little cockerel ...
Snuf - sorry about that *o* Maybe
- it's the offended bumble bees who is trying to get something on me so when they find out where they can complain they really
have some good things to show the court ... Tshe *o* Perhaps they have also allied themselves with this gent on the pic
below ...


... so as to build a case to win in court? It might also be Donnie Brasco they have approached
and ask for help but - I can somehow not see sweet Donnie helping in this case ... Nah! He would more likely tell them
to either 'forgetaboutit!' or to go see me and talk - I mean; buzz - about it man to man *o* ... or bumble bees to
chicken - tshe *O* Erm - please just wait a minute, folks? My still lovely assistant reminded me that the whole thing
was just one of his stories so could I please TAKE IT EASY, thank you ... But if I could not I could of course go visit
the BBU (that's still the Bumble Bees' Union -O* ) and negotiate a cease fire or something. Johnny is even willing to
go with me, he smiles - ain't he just the sweetest *O*
So tomorrow morning bright and early - or as bright and early as as my imaginary Johnny and me can
manage - we are to go here and see what can be done so the wood can stop being bugged - could you wish us luck and hold your
thumbs for us, please? Although - I must confess - that I am going to miss the kissing-Johnny-bit-to-keep-him-quiet (not
agent Sands! My sweet fictional fellow *o* ) every time he's about to say something ... But I could kiss him anyway
- couldn't I *O* ?
'night, folks *O*
