Urgent delivery !!! URGENT !!!!! Coming through !!! .. ups? *almost pushes her poor mother-in-law down in her silliness * Sorry about that, sweetie - didn't mean
to push *o*
But - you see ...
I really have
to deliver this today or the flowers will wilt and the butterfly fly off to her appointment with the hairdresser and
- and our cute gangster might also wander off seeing he talked a moment ago about having seen an interesting bank on his way over here ...
And then this chick will get in trouble with the law and - and
- and CLUCK !!! ... what on earth I am clucking about?
Oh - ehm - this ... *points at picture with a wing - trying
NOT to giggle *
And yes, Mary - that's the butterfly - does have an appointment at our local hairdresser *o* The
woman cutting the hair down there gets an important customer this afternoon and Mary has promised to look beautiful in the
window *O*
So - off you go, dear *o*
... then I'll try to explain to this ... young
man here why he's NOT to leave this flat and go bank robbing down at the mall now - he *o*
Yes, yes, you ARE cute, Johnny *O*
But still ...
MEEPSIE IMAGINARY VERSION OF J. Dillinger: Oh, for - clucking
out loud - little birdie *o* It was just a story *O* ... and the only place I'll plunder is the bakery
around the corner -o*
APHRODITE - SWEET MOTHER-IN-LAW: And I'll promise solemnly to
pay for what ever my sweet son here wants for our afternoon tea *o*
Cluck *O*