JOHNNY LOOKING AT STACK OF PICS ABOUT TO BE HANGED: But I think you've been bitten and infected
by a mad hatt - erm - hippie if we are to go by the colours of these pics *o* When will some 'Purple ra-he-he-hein'
fall here *O* ?
Clean the machine, tease !!!
... tshee-hee *o*

I'm not at all sure you deserved these here flower, you naughty boy ... *pouts and tries
VERY hard NOT to giggle and kiss her beau *
SMILING BEAU: No, and I do look mighty puzzled getting them ... Maybe you better open the window
though or those pretty flowers might wither when I use this ammonia water, pet *o*
Yes, Johnny *o* *gets up and do so and then clucks on *
But you don't have to look so nervous, baby ...
It was a hippie - perhaps you as Mister Duke *O* - who bit me!
Perhaps bit me *o* Not Mister Dracula or any other vampire *O*
JOHNNY: No, but ... You ruined my shirt, you awful - cute little birdie !!! MEN do
not go around with flowers on their shirts !!!
You do? Look ... *points out the open window to one of her boy's favorite shirts hanging on
the clothes' line drying *


HEAD SHAKING, BUT ALSO SMILING JOHNNY: As I said - you are an awful(ly) cute little birdie
*o* ... but do you really believe cousin Raist when he teases you with you being so 'twee' that just the sight of one
of your old feathers might have a vampire running screaming away?
No !!!
As you said; he was teasing *o*
But what's wrong here - why do you want me to stop ...
JOHNNY: You almost 'blended' me into the background, pet *o* *kisses his pet* Other
than not doing that you just go one *o*
... is this better then?
Although I'm still using pink and somewhat purple -o*
SMILING JOHNNY: It's VERY fine, honey-hen *o* Although my poor old hat is
probably having a quiet nervous breakdown having to look like that ... But you think I'm playing at being James Dean
in the next pic -o* ?


Maybe, sweetie *o*
But I'll rather have YOU than J. Dean here *O* *gets a kiss for that *
Yummy *o* ... maybe I better go fetch the laundry inside - those clouds over there means business,
cluck thinks *O*
SMILING EDITOR: It is their business to rain so - purple or see-through rain, by the wa-he-he-hey
Dumb Johnny *O* Be back in a tick *o*