But could you please remove your hat, baby? I'm pretty sure there're ladies present *O*
No? ... naughty boy!
LAUGHING 'BOY': But if I had removed it you couldn't make funny
little things to it *o* Eh, baby birdie *O* ?
Cluck ... True *o*


SMILING EDITOR: Here we can't even see if I am wearing a hat or not due to the very romantic
birdie's flower frame *O*
You love it too !!! *blushes and hugs a still smiling guy *
You looks so startled on that one ...
JOHNNY SWEETS: Yeah *o* I was peacefully
minding my own business when you suddenly clucked "Smile to the photographer, hon' !!!"
Sorry, pet *o*


Cluck ..... *sits with wide open beak and stares at the indeed strange flower *
AGAIN: Got'cha *O* A-hmmm - next page, please -o*