
Meepsieness - page 3


GRINNING EDITOR: You hadn't seen that coming, had you now *O* ?

No ...
But you've always been a delicate flower, so - *o* Will you wilt and wither away if I pluck tshee-hee-hee *O*

BLUSHING FLOWER: Dumb birdie *o*

You were suppose to stand in front of the flowers *O* ... like here *o*
Much more better *o*



TEASING - AND FLIRTING - JOHNNY: Like that, sweetie pie -o* ? ... cute tongue you have *O*

Silly boy *o* *kisses the silly boy to his great delight *
Hi - did you get a bit cold laying in the flowers like that, baby?

BABY: I'm a GROWN-UP, you naughty little - baby birdie *O*

Cluck *o*



Smile, Johnny-honey - we love you *o*

JOHNNY-HONEY SHAKING HIS LOVELY HEAD: Yes, I guess you do *o* ... but I was just thinking a bit, sweetie bird -o*

Oh - about what?
You can't be sitting on the soap again *O*
LAUGHING THINKER: You are a naughty bunch of cute feathers *O* No - about what the fu - fugazie happened to my shirt here *o* ?

Erm - Photoshop blending, cluck thinks *o*
