THOUGHTFUL JOHNNY: Cheap way to get a new shirt, I guess ... You don't suppose though it
will be a bit hard on the fabric?
Yes, sweetie *o* It might *O* ... we do always lack money, don't we - are
way too good at spending 'em both of us -o*

THE BIG SPENDER HIMSELF: Yeah, I guess that's true ... But - this is ridiculous *O* Will
you really cluck to me we couldn't afford a frame big enough for the pic *O* ?
Yes, dear *o* *looks as angelic as she can manage - which isn't much * But then
I also went and had a talk with Jack to see if he had some spare pirate treasure we could have !!!
INCREDULOUS JOHNNY: What - you sold Jack to pay for frames !!!
- I - we ...
We talked over a wee dram in the Spyglass and when neither of us could pay uncle Barbecue - long
John Silver, folks -o* - suggested we sell Jackie to pay for the bar tab *o* He did suggested - even recommend though that
the little cute puppydog should run home to us again at the earliest opportune moment, but - tshee-hee-hee *O* *gets
tickled until she's almost crying with laughter *


SMILENDE JOHNNY: What did you say to long John *o* ? ... I actually don't believe you
said anything much - you two have loved each other since you were a wee chick running around the deck of Hispaniola
after your mother *o*
Cluck *o* But Jack never lets the truth get in the way of a good story *O*
I told uncle B. that I wanted you home with me and promised to tend bar for him at a later date
to pay for the drinks *o*
And he accepted that *O*
SMILING SHORT JOHN(NY): Good *o* I'll come too and
we can get a night out of it *O* ... but who's my new fan here?
Eleanor D'Aquitaine *o* *turns on
her halo and tries to look VERY innocent *


LAUGHING JOHNNY: Oh, you better hope Richard and John - especially John who has somewhat of
a nasty streak ... - don't hear you named the ape after their dear, but formidable mum *O*
But it WAS queen Eleanor
? ! ? Grandmother Ella was incognito in Bristol on business -o* Something her darling spouse - sometimes darling
... - he *o* King Henry is not suppose to know about it *O*